Since the credit card debt kept burgeoning in the last year, the Americans have been more conscientious about their attempts to keep credit card debts at bay and fall back on their monthly credit card payments. This trend among the credit card holders is expected to grow as the balances will also increase throughout 2012. The credit quality of the consumers are likely to increase as the number of charged off accounts are expected to decrease by 15-20%, according to the data from Moody’s Investor Service. This is the reason why the credit card consolidation firms are gaining momentum and the debtors are running to get help from them in order to dodge the charge offs. Though the debtors have changed their habits of misusing their credit cards, yet there are no such noticeable results to be seen among them.
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Anyone who uses a credit card knows how nasty the fees can be. This is especially true if you happen to make a late payment or exceed your balance limit. The good news is that there are ways for you to reclaim these erroneous fees and charges or simply prevent them in the first place.
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Did you know that there’s a money back protection hidden in your Mastercard? Your Mastercard credit or debit card, regardless of the bank it’s issued from, contains a money privilege you might not be aware of. It is known as Chargeback, and it’s different from the Section 75 legal refund scheme. So what are exactly the Mastercard Chargebacks? And how will you maximize this kind of protection?
Continue reading Mastercard Chargeback; When and How Can You Use It? →
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