Select The Best Insurance Policy For Your Dog

Selecting insurance cover for your Dog could be confusing as you will need to toil between the many choices of expensive and cheap policies. The fact is, we tend to choose a cheap policy for our pets without realizing the fact that they could be lacking in many essential features which, otherwise would be included in an expensive one. This is why we need to thoroughly compare each policy and read their reviews and customer satisfaction levels to ensure that they include everything you need for your pet. The worst thing that could happen, is your dog to need emergency treatment in a life or death situation, and you can’t afford the vet bills to go ahead with this. Most people would never forgive themselves!

A little research beforehand on sites such as Pet Insurance Review will help you to determine the right policy for your beloved pets without spending too much of your hard-earned money.

• Types of Policies

Pet insurance policies are mainly of three types

1. Twelve month or Time-limited policy- This type of policy, as the name suggests is only applicable for a limited period of time, normally lasting 12 months. While it is probably the cheapest among all the policies, its draw back lies in the fact that this will only cover any one specific type of illness or injury occurring during the time period. So you need to know what it is your dog suffers from, especially if it’s something from the long dog allergies list, because who knows if this will be covered or not.

For example your pet needed a particular operation and you have a cover of $1000 in your policy for twelve months. The treatment expenses above the said amount for this illness will not be bore by the policy. While it is enough to meet the needs of an unexpected event, it will not be beneficial for treating long term illnesses.

2. Life term policy- This will cover the entire life term of your pet. This is a comprehensive cover without any time of financial constraints and any vet fees occurring at any point of time on your pet’s life will be bore by life term policy. Hence, it becomes the most beneficial and yet at the same time, the most expensive pet insurance policy.

3. Maximum benefit- In maximum benefit scheme, the amount for a particular treatment is limited but not the time. So, after you have claimed the maximum amount for a treatment, you can apply for another in case the pet is diagnosed with another illness.

While most people would like to have the peace of mind that life term policy offers, the one factor that turns them away is the high cost. So, if your pet is generally healthy, but still worried about the illnesses of that particular breed, you may consider maximum benefit cover. Considering the fact that treatment of pets involves lot of money, it is always better to have an insurance than not.

How to handle pet insurance disputes

Dog insurance comes with its own complications. Disputes with insurance companies are common but most of the time, consumer protection laws are in favour of the pet owner. If any discrepancies should arise in your policy cover, you can make a direct complaint to your insurer. According to the law, the insurance company is supposed to respond to your complaint within eight weeks. In case they do not respond or resolve your issue within this time you may either call the help line 0845 0801800 or visit the insurance ombudsman website to take up the issue further.

We consider our pets as part of our family. As much as we love them, we don’t want them to be a burden either. So, taking the right insurance policy is the best way to protect our pets as well as our money.

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