Did you know that there’s a money back protection hidden in your Mastercard? Your Mastercard credit or debit card, regardless of the bank it’s issued from, contains a money privilege you might not be aware of. It is known as Chargeback, and it’s different from the Section 75 legal refund scheme. So what are exactly the Mastercard Chargebacks? And how will you maximize this kind of protection?
Mastercard Chargeback is basically a money back where you can have a cash refund from the items you ordered but failed to receive. It’s a security for credit card users to get the goods they purchased especially through online or in any other retail stores that need shipping. It is similar to the Section 75 refund of credit card purchases in such a way that you can demand an action from your personal bank when a transaction with a retailer went wrong. Chargeback can be appealed not only if the goods are defective or not in the same condition as advertised, but also if the retailer is busted, the products are not received within the agreed period, or if the client is charged for an item he isn’t aware of. The goods could range from anything—-from flight fees, to kitchen utensils, and even to gadgets and computer accessories.
However, the good thing about Mastercard Chargeback is that this protection can be used for purchases of lower payout. Section 75 requires a minimum purchase limit of 100 before you can avail of a refund. In Chargeback however, requests are possible for items of as low as 10. You can file a request to the bank that provides your credit card in order to recover the payment done, and the company will then make the legal procedures until money back to your account is issued from the retailer’s bank, though it’s not an assurance that a refund would be successful. You can also direct your request to the retailer’s bank itself, which would make the process faster and simpler.
The primary downside of Chargeback is that it’s not a legal internal rule of Mastercard credit card providers. This means that your bank is not legally responsible for Chargeback liabilities to its clients in the similar way the Section 75 has. Thus, you can’t take the complaint legally to court if the company won’t do the necessary actions. This makes it far weaker than the privilege written under Section 75. Requests must also be done within 120 days after the problem is noticed, or else the grounds will be invalid. Visa credit card users get a-180 day allotted time for their complaints. So, if you want to avoid the whole thing altogether, there are ways to prevent credit card chargebacks.
Mastercard Chargeback is not exactly known to most of the bank representatives, so you might have to explain it or write a letter of request to the staff. If the process of applying for a Chargeback didn’t go well between you and your bank, you can still take a plea to the Financial Ombudsman. This is free of any cost—-you just need fill up the needed details in a form posted on its official website.