Everyone seems to be playing online bingo today, and it’s not surprising that the game appeals to so many people. It’s really easy to play and it costs very little (sometimes you can even play for free), but you can still stand to win amazing jackpot prizes, which really could be life-changing.
If you’ve never played bingo before, then don’t worry, there’s nothing that you need to learn. All you need to do is sign up to a bingo or casino site that offers different bingo games, choose a game from the timetable that’s shown, and buy a card or number of cards.
Once the game begins, the numbers on your card that match the calls will be marked automatically. Games play through quickly and while the numbers are being called you can either play other games on the site, or chat to fellow players in the chat rooms.
There are different types of bingo, but the most popular are 75 ball bingo and 90 ball bingo.
With 90 ball bingo, a card has nine columns and three rows, with fifteen numbers on it. Players can have a win when they mark all the numbers on one row, two rows or the whole card.
In 75 ball bingo, the card is a grid of five lines by five rows. 24 numbers between 1 and 75 appear on each card, and to win, you have to be first to mark off the numbers. Often 75 ball bingo is a pattern game, and to win you need to complete the game pattern on your card.
There are lots of other variations of bingo, and many of the online games feature extra bonuses and ways to win extra prizes, so there’s plenty to keep players entertained when playing online bingo.
If you haven’t played before, you can find sites where you can play in demo mode or for free, which will allow you to see if bingo’s the game for you. Each bingo site offers a different welcome bonus for new players, which means you can cash in when you first open an account. Check out a few different sites to see how much free credit you can get!