Category Archives: Trading

Growth of online bingo

Since the advent of the internet, various information about multiple services such as entertainment, business, sports, etc now can be easily accessed. The gaming industry has seen the biggest growth since the arrival of the web. You can find tons of games online now, with multiple people flocking to online gaming platforms, as well as downloading games to their phones (, so they can get their gaming fix in whichever way possible.

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INFOGRAPHIC: Rise of the female trade Infographic

New data from CityIndex shows a dramatic rise in female traders, key highlights of the data include:

  • 1000%+ Rise in Female Traders in 10 Years
  • The most popular occupations of City Index’s top female traders include house wives, teachers, secretariesand those working in administration
  • One of City Index’s most successful female traders, a 51-year-old living in Surrey in the UK, has profited just over £1,200,000 to date (May 2012)
  • A 19-year old Shop Assistant – their youngest active female trader – has made a total profit of £11,222 whilst a Contract Teacher earning £32,000 a year has profited over £158,000 with her account

For the full description of the stats behind this graph go to the CityIndex website here.

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